Tummy Herb that Rhymes with Wine
I had a stomach ache this past Sunday, December 9. Not sure if it was something I ate the night before, or maybe because I had a marathon planned for December 8, but due to weather conditions, I had to sit it out. Maybe a little bit of both. Either way, I woke-up on Sunday morning with a fever and stomach pain as well as diarrhea. I am allergic to Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Aspirin (as well its main ingredient acetaminophen), and any other pain/fever medicine over the counter. I am not allergic to morphine, which I only know because they gave me that in 1996 when I had my appendix removed. But OTC pain medications make my eyes and lips swell-up. As for the diarrhea, I once tried Imodium ID, and I had the same reaction. So what to do? Luckily, there is a wonderful herbal remedy called ajwain. It is pronounced like aj-wine. The "aj" is pronounced like the "a" in apple or agriculture. The technical name for ajwain is "trachyspermum ammi." Now that is a long name. Some shorter English names are "bishop's weed" or "carom." While it looks like a seed, it is technically a fruit.

It is very bitter, so it is best taken with water. You swallow with water similar to how you would a pill. I was better by Monday evening. Now would it have been coincidence, or is there evidence that ajwain has a physical process that reduces stomach pain? The Evidence: Yay or Nay? Of course, we should not be quick to dismiss herbal remedies because some of them lack evidence. Many Ayurvedic remedies such as ginger, turmeric, eucalyptus oil, and others do have therapeutic benefits. Regarding ajwain, is there evidence that it alleviates stomach pain? Just like many other remedies, ajwain does in fact have evidence to support its benefits. It alleviates stomach pain, primarily because of its anti-microbial properties, killing fungi, bacteria, and other microbes that cause many stomach ailments. It also increases gastric acid production, improving digestion, which is especially beneficial when stomach pain is caused by indigestion.
The main therapeutic component of ajwain is its oil, which contains thymol. Thymol is the agent that has the antimicrobial affects. In addition to alleviating stomach pain, it is also a bronchodilator, which put simply, means it increases airflow in the lungs. This can be beneficial with individuals who experience asthma and respiratory conditions.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3358968/ While there are many benefits of consuming ajwain, there are potential side effects in special situations. It slows down blood-clotting, thus it is best not to take it close to surgery. It also contains khellin, which contracts the uterus, which may be harmful during pregnancy. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-292/bishops-weed How to Consume Otherwise, ajwain is safe to consume. It is bitter for many, and thus it is not recommended to chew it. In India, there are recipes that use ajwain. Below is a recipe for ajwain parathas. Ajwain tea is another remedy. https://www.bbc.com/food/recipes/ajwain_parathas_37143 If you are pressed for time and don't have time to cook, you can put a pinch of ajwain in water, and swallow it like you would swallow a capsule. But different from a capsule, you would swallow it with the water rather than put it in your mouth before drinking water. Now where can you get ajwain? You generally will not see it at most American grocery stores. However, many cities in a America have Indian grocery stores. You can always get it there. Just remember to pronounce it aj-wine. The A is pronounced like apple. You can also find it on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=ajwain