Be Shapeless Like Water
From the beginnings of humankind, we have felt a need for community. We have formed tribes, churches, temples, political groups, clubs, and other groups to have a sense of community. Humans are social creatures. A baby can actually die from lack of being held. Human health can fail from lack of social connection.,rates%20around%2030%2D40%25.
Social bonds are what gives life meaning. Can such a thing that gives so much meaning also cause harm? Religious wars, tribal warfare, racial in-fighting, political wars, and other conflicts show how such social bonds can go sour. Now does this mean that social groups are dangerous? Or are they a double-edged sword...both good and bad? Is there a way to minimize the harm and maximize the beneficial aspects of social groups?
I like to give the example of Bruce Lee and his quote "Be Water My Friend." The full quote is "Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend." Now this quote applied to martial arts, but it can be applied in life. Bruce Lee learned Wing Chun Kung Fu but saw limitations of it. He learned other martial arts such as judo and boxing and combined them with kung fu. He removed what he thought was not useful. He saw that no martial art style contained all truths of combat. They all had limitations. He created a system called "Jeet kun do," which is the translated as "the art of the intercepting fist." But now how was he going to implement his philosophy? He still needed a system, and you have to call it something. It was called "Jun Fan Kung Fu," with "Jun Fan" being Bruce Lee's Chinese name. So in the end, he still used a label for his curriculum. But here are his further words on Jeet Kun Do: "What, then, is Jeet Kune Do? Literally, 'jeet' means to intercept or to stop; "kune" is the fist; and "do" is the way, the ultimate reality---the way of the intercepting fist. Do remember, however, that "Jeet Kune Do" is merely a convenient name. I am not interested with the term itself; I am interested in its effect of liberation when JKD is used as a mirror for self-examination." So just like with Jeet Kun Do, we can still finding meaning in our social groups without making the group name or label the ultimate goal. As long as we realize that the end goal is connection and value, not the group name itself, one can benefit from the social cohesion without it leading to divisiveness. One can be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or any other religion and still realize that is the entirety of truth but that avenue that one finds truth. Or one can find faith in Jesus, Krishna, or other figure without using the label Christian, Hindu, or whatever it may be. One can choose not to believe in God but without using the label atheist. In politics, one can be a Democrat or Republican while realizing that the benefit of society rather than the party is the ultimate goal. One can also be involved in a Democratic or Republican group but still be an independent.